How a Business’ Security May Be Breached

Protecting the company’s systems and data is important to any business. Any unauthorized entry into its system can result in serious consequences to the company’s operations, such as corporate identity theft or sabotage. Unfortunately, there are many inventive and determined groups and individuals who are capable of breaching some of the most reliable security measures set up by a company, using various methods and techniques.

The simplest way to illegally get company data is through a physical breach. Thieves can steal PC’s, laptops, and other devices that may contain important and confidential information. Data Capture is another form of security breach, and targets information contained on magnetic card stripes, such as those found in credit cards. Many fraudsters use a device to capture data from card readers and ATM machines.

Another way is through an electronic breach, where unauthorized persons enter a company’s system and access its sensitive data electronically. Typically, an electronic breach is successful when there are lapses in the company’s security systems. These lapses may include loopholes in the company’s firewall, or inadequate password protection. To prevent electronic lapses from happening, a business should periodically monitor and update its security systems. The right kind of security system should come with adequate protection measures to keep off intruders, and effective monitoring systems that can immediately identify a possible breach.

Safeguard Systems with Online Password Managers

Cyber technology has done wonders for communication and business processes across the globe. However, the interconnectivity of the Internet also means that restricted data, systems, and networks can be accessed by unauthorized personnel, which leads to privacy breaches. Computer crimes such as hacking, as well as identity and financial theft, can unwittingly victimize netizens.

To keep online offenders where they should be (which is outside computer systems), certain safeguards can be observed. First of all, firewalls can be set up. This technological barrier prevents unauthorized information from coming into the network or from leaving the network. Only the system administrator can clear the data that will be stored in the system.

There is also anti-virus software, which can be installed to alert users of any looming system threat. Such software can perform instant scans and troubleshooting, as well as initiate repair and cleanup processes in order to quarantine and eliminate any virus threat. Full coverage from anti-virus software can safeguard the overall system.

Other restrictions that will safeguard restricted data and networks include password and internet connection encryption. These also provide some level of protection to users, and can prevent cyber crimes. Making passwords strong by including alphanumeric characters or symbols, and changing passwords every few months can reinforce online security. Limiting access to shared folders on the network can make cyber criminals’ lives hard as well.