Avoid the Hassle of Password Troubleshooting

Have you ever experienced being too dependent on automatic log-ins that when you sign in to your account using a different device, you end up changing your password? When this happens, requesting for a new password and waiting to authenticate your account becomes an aggravating inconvenience, especially if you’re pressed for time. Even if you do appreciate the security measures of the website, you can’t help but feel exasperated about the additional steps you need to do to access your account.

Every single day, people go online to check their social media accounts, e-mails, bank accounts, and more. In the digital world people live in today, you are recommended to use different passwords for your accounts for the ultimate protection of your online identity. Managing your passwords efficiently is necessary to ensure the utmost convenience.

Make your digital experience a breeze by using an online password manager. You only need to memorize one unique and complex password to keep track of all your passwords across all accounts. This way, you won’t be stuck in a rut at an unexpected time. Moreover, compiling your passwords in the cloud will keep your accounts secure when you lose your gadget or break it beyond repair. Once you buy a new one, just open your password manager on any website and you can resume your online activities in no time.

NCIS Issued Framework to Complement Password Management Software Tools

As it is designed to work alongside existing security programs and protocols, organizations that will choose to adopt it will not have to worry about the cost of a complete system upheaval. They can easily implement it without making major changes to their system and investing in more devices.

The framework will also fortify the advantages offered by online password manager tools from trusted developers such as Access Smart, LLC. While such programs already provide companies with several benefits in terms of protecting their networks and data at the point-of-entry, the framework will strengthen their infrastructure. In addition, it will serve as an effective instrument through which they can educate their staff about improved data protection within the organization.

As a result, companies are assured of higher immunity against attacks from third-party sources that may compromise their processes, functions, and operations.

Password Management Software Featured in SAP Capabilities Study

“Ladera Ranch, California (October 7, 2013) – Access Smart’s Power LogOn® software has been featured in a study that shows how it enhances the information security of SAP® data. A market leader in enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions, SAP cites the centralized password management software for its leveraging of cyber infrastructure, fast configuration and deployment, and cost savings benefits, among other offered advantages.

Power LogOn® leverages the existing cyber infrastructure of organizations that use SAP without affecting it. The software does not modify Active Directory or SAP configurations nor require changes to any existing user accounts. It also allows information technology (IT) professionals to manage passwords more systematically and enable end users to follow strong password policies more easily.”

Safeguard Systems with Online Password Managers

Cyber technology has done wonders for communication and business processes across the globe. However, the interconnectivity of the Internet also means that restricted data, systems, and networks can be accessed by unauthorized personnel, which leads to privacy breaches. Computer crimes such as hacking, as well as identity and financial theft, can unwittingly victimize netizens.

To keep online offenders where they should be (which is outside computer systems), certain safeguards can be observed. First of all, firewalls can be set up. This technological barrier prevents unauthorized information from coming into the network or from leaving the network. Only the system administrator can clear the data that will be stored in the system.

There is also anti-virus software, which can be installed to alert users of any looming system threat. Such software can perform instant scans and troubleshooting, as well as initiate repair and cleanup processes in order to quarantine and eliminate any virus threat. Full coverage from anti-virus software can safeguard the overall system.

Other restrictions that will safeguard restricted data and networks include password and internet connection encryption. These also provide some level of protection to users, and can prevent cyber crimes. Making passwords strong by including alphanumeric characters or symbols, and changing passwords every few months can reinforce online security. Limiting access to shared folders on the network can make cyber criminals’ lives hard as well.

Under Lock and Key: How to Make a Secure Password

Make no mistake: cybercrimes are a very serious matter. Someone stealing your credit card number may seem like a minor misfortune as opposed to being mugged on the street, but the effects of the former can match or even exceed those of the latter. India, for instance, is reported to have at least 42 million cybercrimes committed every year, resulting in at least $8 billion (USD) worth of financial losses throughout the country.

There are many different crimes that require you to implement different security measures, but creating a distinct, hard-to-crack password is a good way to start. It is common knowledge for people to create passwords with at least one letter and one number, but you shouldn’t just settle for that. An excellent password should be more than eight characters long and should also incorporate special characters like “#” and “/.”

Additionally, it is a wise choice if you use multiple passwords for different online accounts. In fact, it is even recommended that you change your password(s) every 30 to 90 days to keep criminals and hackers guessing, and also to serve as practice in creating secure passwords. Finally, it never hurts to seek professional help; reliable password managers and secure log-in services are just some of the tools you have at your disposal.