NCIS Issued Framework to Complement Password Management Software Tools

As it is designed to work alongside existing security programs and protocols, organizations that will choose to adopt it will not have to worry about the cost of a complete system upheaval. They can easily implement it without making major changes to their system and investing in more devices.

The framework will also fortify the advantages offered by online password manager tools from trusted developers such as Access Smart, LLC. While such programs already provide companies with several benefits in terms of protecting their networks and data at the point-of-entry, the framework will strengthen their infrastructure. In addition, it will serve as an effective instrument through which they can educate their staff about improved data protection within the organization.

As a result, companies are assured of higher immunity against attacks from third-party sources that may compromise their processes, functions, and operations.

Password Management Software Featured in SAP Capabilities Study

“Ladera Ranch, California (October 7, 2013) – Access Smart’s Power LogOn® software has been featured in a study that shows how it enhances the information security of SAP® data. A market leader in enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions, SAP cites the centralized password management software for its leveraging of cyber infrastructure, fast configuration and deployment, and cost savings benefits, among other offered advantages.

Power LogOn® leverages the existing cyber infrastructure of organizations that use SAP without affecting it. The software does not modify Active Directory or SAP configurations nor require changes to any existing user accounts. It also allows information technology (IT) professionals to manage passwords more systematically and enable end users to follow strong password policies more easily.”

Controlling Employee Access with Secure Password Management Software

“A report on the Business 2 Community website dated August 8, 2013 details how a business can control the password usage of their employees. When sensitive information such as access details is involved, it’s better to go the extra mile when it comes to security. The following are recommendations on how to restrict passwords only to those who need them.

Passwords can already be quite a chore to maintain, and sharing them to the right people is an even more arduous task. The latter isn’t something to take lightly, as it is a basic yet crucial precaution against security breaches. A company is sure to have a number of passwords registered under its name, and it’ll need a reliable way to keep track of each while disseminating them only to the assigned personnel. Having handy password management software from an access firm like Access Smart, LLC could help simplify the process.”